
We're honored to offer premier IT Technology Support Services to many diverse businesses. Here's what a few customers have to say about Spark Technologies.

  • Fast, friendly, and efficient IT support. Spark delivers first class service. Healthcare Provider

    • Expectations exceeded when we moved over to Spark and then they knocked Office 365 migration out of the park. Pharmaceutical Company

    • Highly recommend Spark. Staff is knowledgeable, quick to respond, and pleasant to deal with. Healthcare Provider

    • Five-star service all the way. These guys are amazing!! Financial Service Provider

    • If you are looking for dependable, timely, and friendly IT services, try out Spark. My family has a small business on the South Shore and these guys have helped us get all our technology running smoothly. Have yet to run into a problem they can't fix. Hospitality Services, Resort Owner

    • I said it before and I'll say it again - SPARK Technologies responds within minutes and solves my problems every time. Healthcare Provider

    • Superb, excellent Service. Our go-to every time. HVAC Manufacturer

    Interested in more information
    about our approach to IT Services? We’d love to talk to you!